Friday, April 30, 2010

Home Made Solar Power

Why would you pay thousands of dollars per year just for electricity? Don’t you want to save it for something like a family vacation? Don’t you ever dream of buying the latest computer model for your office? All of these are possible, if and only if, you will consider making your homemade energy system.

What is a homemade energy system? It is a system where you get your power supply from natural resources. It means that, you will create a simple machine to supply electricity to all your appliances. To start with you need the sun, solar panels, a battery and your will to build your own solar system.

Home Made Solar Power

Initially, you can only use this during day or sunny time. That is fine though, it will still save a big amount from your electric bill. So, set up your solar panels in a place where it is directly beamed by the sun. Make sure that you place it somewhere your kids can’t access it. Solar panels are very hot when they absorb the heat from the sun. Connect your solar panel to a battery. This battery is where all energy will be stored. From the battery connect some of your small machines. If the sun is up and bright, chances that you can plug in even your big appliances. However, you have to take note of the fact that the power you get depends on two things; one is the size of your solar panel and battery and second is the sunlight. Don’t over use your solar panel by plugging in too many appliances.

Does it still sound that complicated? These steps are very simple. Start planning your own homemade energy system and your next family outing!